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Sudden night waking!
« on: October 14, 2007, 06:13:36 am »
My lo is 9mths old and although is a really bad napper therefore goes to bed really early between 5.30-6pm she would sleep 12.5-13hrs however the last few nights has been waking frequently and not going back to sleep, last night was the worst she mangaged to have a good couple of naps in the day so her bedtime was a little later but still in same amount of A time, but woke after 2.5 hrs for 1.5hrs then again around 3.30 for 45 mins.  I wondered if it was her naps interferring with bed although on occasion she has had a couple of naps that have been quite good even after 13 hrs nt sleep and still slept well at nt.  She is very spirited, we have recently dropped one bottle, and last nt she had 2 bottles of 6oz afgter i could not settle her so maybe it was hunger also I think she has a cold so do you think these contribute to the nt wakings or is it something else? 
She does seem to need a lot of sleep when she gets it right she wants more, otherwise she will go days without naps, she has always been a bad napper even though i have really tried, she is such a grump in the day i cant cope with her being miserable all nt too!
please any thoughts?
Rachael xxx

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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2007, 09:45:28 am »

I would think the cold could well be a factor - most people sleep badly when they have a cold...  so hopefully it's a short term blip!  How many bottles is she on now? Do you want to post your routine to see if anyone has another ideas in case it's not just the cold? 


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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2007, 15:36:59 pm »
Well, we have been trying all sorts of routines since day one to no avail, however I have found the last couple of days if she has 12 hrs nt sleep and I put her down after 2hr 45 I can get her down for a longer sleep, the next nap is always a hit and miss however again I have noticed if she is put down around 2.5 she sleeps better! I then try to put her down again after around 3-3.5 hrs before bed, but again her naps are mostly 30mins so she goes to bed earlier then her night wakings have not been so bad.  She is spirited and have tried all sorts of A times but for the pm nap if i keep her up longer than 2.5 then she only sleeps 30mins! so I really dont know.
any thoughts, Rachael xxx

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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2007, 16:11:49 pm »
Sounds like you are doing the right thing with A times - 30 min naps would suggest OT and that your A times are too long, so going shorter than that defnitely seems like the right thing to do in my opinion.  The last A time is quite long - but if she has been OK on that until recently then I don't think that can be the cause    :-\

Let's hope it's the cold! 

Or could she be teething?  Learning new skills like crawling?  What eventually settles her when she does wake?

Hey ho they keep us guessing don't they!


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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2007, 06:53:34 am »
Hi again Bryony, Maya is still waking at night and wanted a bottle, we have recently dropped the mid morn one, do you think this could be the cause?, love to know what yo uthink.

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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2007, 07:59:36 am »
Well it could well be!  how many bottles is she having now, and how many oz?  I seem to recall that they are supposed to have about 20oz a day minimum at this age - although there seems to be a lot of conflcting advice around in terms of the balance between milk and solids. How is she doing with solids?


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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2007, 09:06:57 am »
She was on 4 bottles which I dropped to the 3 but she only ever takes around 4-5 oz each time.  I was giving snacks ie fruit and yoghurts inbetween and solid intake is fairly good, she will have cereal and toast for brekkie then lunch which I normally do cheese on toast/ scrambled egg and a fruit pot and then dinner she will have 2 cubes of food plus a pudding, so I am not sure what is going on? any idea?

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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2007, 09:36:53 am »
That sounds a little low to me - although I BF so am really no expert on bottle feeding... 

It might be worth reinstating that bottle to up her milk intake for 5 days or so to see if that makes a difference - a lot of these things are a bit trial and error though!  It sounds as if she is eating well with the solids - but milk contains a lot of calories so can contribute a lot to the total calorie intake.

How are the naps going?


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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 09:51:15 am »
Thanks again, I will reinstate the mid morning and see if it makes any difference, she has never been a great milk drinker so I was dubious about dropping it in the first place but you read so many different reports, I was still trying to keep up her milk intake with yoghurts and cheese but maybe she just is not ready to drop it as yet.  I always make 6oz up but she never finishes the bottle so it is not like I can get her to drink more with 3 bottles so looks like back to 4 for the time being anyway.  Like I mentioned earlier she has had a cold so this may have made her extra hungry as she has not been eating quite as well the last few days so I might try again in a month,
Thanks again,

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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2007, 10:01:02 am »
Let us know how you get on!


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Re: Sudden night waking!
« Reply #10 on: October 17, 2007, 17:04:33 pm »
Well, I gave Maya her mid morning bottle yesterday to see if it made a difference, however my niece baby sat for me in the afternoon and never warmed her milk up so she would not drink it! so she only ended up having 3 in the end, she went down a dream and never woke until 5am where she had a bottle and went back down for an hour, so I think it probably was down to her cold, fingers crossed.
Thanks for you r help.
Rachael xx