I just thought I would post our success (I may have spoken too soon!!)
I have been putting the move from DS cot bed to a big boy bed off for ages, worrying that he would be a pain. We took the plunge on Monday. Night times, he has a couple of stories read to him and then he will eventually go off to sleep in his bed after about 1/2 an hour maximum. I take him up at 7 and generally he will be settled and asleep by 7.30. He does get out of bed and will stand at the door (we've put a gate on his door for his safety) but he'll get back in to bed and look at a book and go off to sleep. He does wake a couple of times in the night, but I just say "get back in to bed and go bye byes" and he generally does. He'll very quietly cry a bit and then go off to sleep.
His nap is getting better as well. He'll stand at his door shouting "Mummy" but I just say "Go bye byes" and he wanders back in to bed and goes to sleep.
I just wish he wouldn't wake in the night. He wants me to go in to his room and stroke his back or hold his hand, but I've started saying "Go bye byes Jakey" and he will. Is this the right thing to do?