Author Topic: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap  (Read 1534 times)

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Offline anna*

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Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« on: March 15, 2008, 09:29:28 am »
Thanks to some amazing advice and support on this board, we finally got Stanley (now 16 weeks) napping well, settling himself to sleep, and OT no longer. I am incredibly grateful, and overall, things are going really well.

There's this one niggle though. Stanley wakes up and needs to be shh-patted back to sleep in the middle of EVERY SINGLE NAP! It can happen as early as 30 mins or as late as one hour, and it's just getting really tired, having to spend 15 mins with a crying baby every nap. Sometimes he wakes once, other times he'll wake, be resettled and go back to sleep, and wake again 10 mins later. Sometimes he just needs a shh- and a hand on his chest, other times he gets more and more upset and needs shh-patting on my shoulder until he calms down.

It really eats into my Y time! More importantly, it makes it way more difficult for my mum or DH to care for him, as they're less confident about extending naps. They're likely to give up, and leave us all in an OT situation. And, he's starting childcare two days per week in a couple of weeks time, and I'm worried that they won't be as diligent about making sure that naps are good long naps!

He's a textbook boy (little bit angel, little bit touchy) and his routine looks pretty much like this. If the afternoon catnap doesn't really work (we're usually on the move, and sometimes he only gets half an hour) bath and bed will be brought forward by 15-20 mins:

EA 7
S 8.45
A 10.45
EA 11
S 12.45
A 2.45
EA 3
catnap 4.45
A 5.30
bath 6
E 6.30
bed 7
DF 10.30

He's swaddled for every nap. I want to try and wean him from the swaddle before he starts childcare (and also because he's really too tall for his miracle blankets), but I don't know how to tell if he's ready - he's desperately trying to find his thumb, but hasn't managed to yet. I've tried leaving one arm unswaddled for a couple of naps this week, but it doesn't seem to make any difference to the wakings.

I'll be so grateful to hear if you have any advice or words of wisdom.


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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2008, 19:44:24 pm »
marking my spot

Offline marensmama

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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #2 on: March 15, 2008, 21:13:59 pm »
Just a guess, but from what I can see, he's on a 4 hr easy with A time of 1.75 hours?  If that's the case, I'd try pushing his A time to two hours and see if that helps.  (Did for my DD when she was 4 months)

Maybe someone more knowledgeable can help! :)
Nicole - Mom to My Lovely Girls

Offline anna*

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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #3 on: March 15, 2008, 21:22:50 pm »
Hi Marensmama - it's just the first A time of the day that's 1.75hrs. He's only just turned 16 weeks, and still finds that first A time a bit long.


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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2008, 23:45:18 pm »
have you tried w2s?

Offline anna*

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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2008, 06:36:14 am »
Hi Michelle - I haven't tried W2S because I don't know what time I should try it? As I say, sometimes he wakes 30mins into his nap, but other times it will be 40, 50 mins or even an hour. There's no real pattern to when he will wake only that he will wake!


Offline anna*

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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2008, 16:23:54 pm »
Well, just as an experiment I tried W2S at 25 mins - he still woke up at 30 mins. Resettled. Woke again at 45 mins. 10 mins desperate crying before settled again. Impossible to time W2S when he wakes up at all different times.


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Re: Waking in the middle of EVERY nap
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2008, 00:24:43 am »
yeah, if he's waking at different times, w2s won't really there goes my first suggestion!

if he's mostly a textbook baby, then in general, 30 min naps would indicate that he's overtired, a 45 min nap would indicate that he's undertired.  So I would suggest keeping a log for a couple days - note his A time, what he's doing during his A time, when he goes to sleep, when he wakes, and how/if you're able to resettle him.  Then see if there's some kind of a pattern - for example, his first nap is generally longer than 30 min, but the others are less....and then maybe we can figure things out from there.  You may even want to stay in his room during his nap to see what happens when he wakes.

It also may be developmental to some extent.  The part of the brain that governs day sleep develops between 3-6 mos, so he's still trying to figure out how to sleep in the daytime.

In terms of swaddle weaning - I'd start with one hand out and see how that goes.  Also, you can try to help him find him thumb when you put him down. 

Hang in there!