Author Topic: Large 4 month old... Getting hungrier? Help Please??!  (Read 588 times)

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Large 4 month old... Getting hungrier? Help Please??!
« on: October 23, 2007, 08:52:28 am »
Dear Everyone,

I would really appreciate some advice, please? I was just re-reading the "Bible" that is "The Baby Whisperer" to get some advice from Tracey, and was interested to note that she said that with larger 4 month old babies it is sometimes advisable to start incorporating solid foods earlier than the recommended 6 months. He is entirely breast feed, with EBM given to him by DH at 10pm, and he sleeps well. He is on the 4 hour EASY plan, starting at 7am, and generally goes very, very well... but I am just concerned that nowadays my breasts no longer feel so full, they no longer leak on to my clothes or bedclothes at night, and he is eating much quicker (sometimes 10-15 minutes per feed) and seems to get a bit frustrated with feeds at the moment. Do you think that it would be advisable to think about introducing a small amount of solids given that he is now over 16lbs (not sure about kgs, I'm afraid) and is also 63cm long! He is massive, and I'm just afraid that my breasts are not going to be able to sustain him for much longer? Thank you very much for any help you can give me?  :-\

Love, LouandAlf

Offline RachelC

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Re: Large 4 month old... Getting hungrier? Help Please??!
« Reply #1 on: October 23, 2007, 10:34:01 am »
I am going to lock this, as you've asked the same question in breast feeding and I feel that is where you will get the best advice.

Proud to have breastfed for a combined total of 35 months