my 15 month old is sooo overtired
he started daycare about 6 weeks ago. he used to go to bed at 7pm and wake at 6 or 7am but now its 5am and this morning, 4:30
he goes to bed at 7pm and they nap at 12 in daycare. in daycare he naps 2-3 hours
i thought maybe he was waking at 5am because he was naping longer there and he only needed 10 hours of night sleep but i dont think thats the problem
i think he is overtired. he is wired when he is up. yesterday he was literally running circles around our house laughing. the poor kid is tired
if i start putting him to bed at 5pm, aren't i just promoting ealier wake up times. and if he only "needs" 10-11 hours of night sleep, then i'll have a kid waking at 3-4 am everyday
he wakes up crying but if I take him right downstairs he stops. if I try to put him back to bed, or cuddle with him, bring him to our bed, he gets more mad and then it just takes me longer to calm him when i do take him downstairs
i have a 3 month old and she has a noise machine in her room but his screaming goes well above that and he has woken her at times. not worth it so now i jjust take him downstairs quickly so he doesnt wake her up
i dont know what to do. at school he naps from 12-2 or 12-3
i cant put him to bed at 5pm as he isnt ready and we get home then. so the ealiest i can get him to bed is 6pm
but again, wont i be promoting a 4-5 am wake up then
and in 2 weeks we turn the clocks back tooo
at home on teh weekends he doesn't nap long. 1-1.5 hours
i was thinking of doing TWO naps today to try and catch him up on sleep. so he woke at 4:30 this morning. he'll be in for a nap at 9am and then what? if I put him down for a nap at 2pm then he wont want to go to bed at 5 or 6
what to do?