Hi girls,
DS isn't really a toddler at 2.5 but wanted some input.
For those that have moved to big bed....did you allow your child to go back to the crib if they wanted to? Our big bed right now is just a mattress on the floor as we are awaiting for stock to arrive at IKEA. I have allowed him to go back to crib since his BB isn't really "final" and we still have a change once we bring in the bed frame.
cole will do a few nights in BB, then ask for the crib. He stayed there a few nights (while feverish and teething) then last night back to big bed. Thing is, each time we go to the big bed it's like it's new all over again...not to mention the process of moving all his friends over, and moving his fan etc etc etc. he took way too long to settle last night (but perhaps it was the new cold meds i gave him for runny nose and cough)
anyway, just wanting to know if it's best to be flexible...or if I should dismantle the crib (or even just make it look dismantled my removing mattress or something)