Author Topic: What is night sleeping suppose to look like with EASY?  (Read 743 times)

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What is night sleeping suppose to look like with EASY?
« on: October 30, 2007, 03:35:06 am »
Tracy's book says that the goal is to first drop the 1-2 am feeding.  I put my 7 week old baby down around 7:30  and do a dream feed anywhere from 10-10:30.  On a good night he'll sleep to 3 or 3:30.  Other times it's still in the 2:00 hour. 
Should he be sleeping longer??
Do you think he isn't getting enough food during the day?  I've been doing the 3 hour easy with 5 feedings during the day and a df. 
Is it because I'm putting him down to bed earlier? 

A clarification on what the EASY goal of nighttime sleep would be great.. as well as any other advise.


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Re: What is night sleeping suppose to look like with EASY?
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2007, 04:44:45 am »
at 7 weeks old, it is still normal to have a 2ish feeding.  The fact that he will go any where between 2 - 3:30 is very good.  This means he is waking from hunger and not habit.  Keep up what you're doing.  He will likely drop the feeding himself.  For my DD, I noticed after every GS, she was able to go longer between feeds, particularly during the night.  During the GS though, it may appear that he's going a bit backwards and feeding more for a couple of days, but then he'll be able to sleep longer after wards.

Here are some sample plans for 0 - 3 mo
