We've been working through the 2-1 switch and I thought I really had it made when DS started consistently waking after 7am. Then, this darn time change.10:
Usual routine for DS (16mo) has been
7:15 wake
7:30 breakfast
10am snack
12:15ish lunch
12:45/1 nap (sometimes only 1 hour! sometimes up to 1.5- maybe I should have done nap earlier?)
2:30ish snack
5:30-6 dinner
7 bath, milk, bed (asleep 7:30ish)
Bedtime used to be around 8, but moved earlier b/c of the length of the one nap
SO, with the darn time change, I SO don't want to move my day to a 6:30 bedtime for him! Today, I basically tried to start shifting meal/sleep times forward a bit HOWEVER that created a 6 hour A time before his nap (up at 6:20, delayed bfast to 715, snack at 10, lunch at 12, and asleep by 12:20 (poor thing was falling asleep while eating his green beans!) I am so wondering how long his nap will be.
SO- my dilemma is that I don't want to create OT by increasing A times, but still want to drag his little clock an hour back! (He has ALWAYS woken up same time or earlier if tired).
Any success stories with the time change?