I second the pps - taking the time now with shh/pat is sooooooooooo worth it! I'd actually bring a chair in next to the crib and drink lots of water before getting started. I found if I just settled in my mind that I was going to be in there as long as it took, that made things much better. I would say for us, the major time investment was really the first 6 weeks (every nap, every bedtime), and then we started backing off on the time (for bedtime, we started backing off probably around 5 weeks, total independent sleeping by 7/8 wks, naptimes followed after that). It does seem like a long time now, but it really ends of being a short span of time overall, and I've enjoyed having an independent sleeper for MONTHS now, that time of shh/patting that seemed like forever doesn't so much now. Good luck!!!