Author Topic: Nap disasters  (Read 648 times)

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Offline KathrynK

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Nap disasters
« on: December 03, 2007, 13:39:06 pm »
We went on holiday a couple weeks ago and on the 2 days of travelling (there and back) dd didn't have a nap (first time ever- the plane was just too exciting). She coped really well and crashed when I put her to bed early.
The last 4 days she has resisted her nap to the point where today she was in bed 2 hrs and I've just got her up - no sleep at all. She's also shortened her night sleep, from 11.5hrs to 10.5 hrs the last couple nights.
I think she's started on her back molars - could that disrupt her sleep this much? She clearly needs her nap still, she's always had slightly more sleep than the norm, she's only been on one nap since about 16-17mo. Or is it just a phase? Either way it's driving me mad, any suggestions on how I can get her to sleep? aaargh


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Re: Nap disasters
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2007, 16:35:22 pm »
Yes, those pesky back molars can cause lots of problems.  If this is in fact the case you can consider giving her a shot of Tylenol 15 min or so before nap time.  When my DS1 was going through this I would get him up sometime in the night to give him a dose so he could sleep better.  It was great b/c I was able to get him to take it w/o waking him up. 

If it is just a phase then it should pass quickly.  You can try to get your LO some time outside to help her get more tired and able to sleep for that nap.  I always found that outside play worked really well for me right after morning snack.  I then went in for lunch and my kids would go straight to sleep for their nap after that.

I hope this helps

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Re: Nap disasters
« Reply #2 on: December 03, 2007, 16:51:51 pm »
Yes, it really can disrupt the sleep. A LOT. Does a longer wind down help and some calpol 40 min before bed time?


Scotty weaned off his nap, too, but his nights are very long, so I know he is getting enough sleep, but your DD is younger AND sleeps less at night so she may be overtired, too  :-\