From my experience the no eye contact, put straight back to bed doesn't work, they don't learn to relax & only fall asleep from sheer exhaustion.
What did is work on longer time in there helping settle (after we had problems around 2yo), then saying I just need to go to the toilet & will be right back, duck around the corner, back in in no time & say "thanks for staying in bed, see told you I'd be back" & gradually extending to the point it was "I will be back to check" & that check time moved to 5mins & would go back & check until he was asleep & then gradually it moved to about 15mins & mostly he is asleep by the time I check... I still check as I tell him that is what I'm doing & if for some reason after I've sat done stories, turned out light, rubbed back for a few minutes & he seems not ready for sleep, I go back much sooner. Has been working a treat for months for us... we still do get the occasional comes out, but it is only once & usually it is because he needs to go to the toilet (he has been dry at night since 2 & 4mo)