The only thing I could see to fix would be to move nap up in the day... usually you have the same A time before the nap as after. She may not be tired yet by bedtime because she's only been up for 4.5 hours. So aim for the nap starting at 12:30 or 1:00 pm, ending no later than 3:00. That gives you 5-5.5 hours A time in the morning and another 5-5.5 in the evening. My DD1 also needed about 13-13.5 hours at 2.5 years, and this was roughly our routine.
I bet, though, that your putting her down later so you get more nap overlap between your DDs. I do the same-- Lilah's nap has gotten pretty late, though actually, it's worked out well for us, because she hasn't been ready to fall asleep until later anyway at nap time. She now starts her nap at 1:30 or 2:00. If you want to keep that nap time, you may need to adjust her wake up and bedtimes to later times so she'ss still getting enough sleep. Is she always up at 7:30? One day, let her sleep as long as she wants, and see when she wakes. She might go till 8:00, making a 1:30 nap pretty reasonable.
That said, if it seems like she's getting enough sleep and is happy and healthy, you don't really NEED to fix anything. I never changed things until it was apparent that they needed changing. So if it's not apparent to you, then I wouldn't go to the trouble.