i really appreciate your post & support....
today was a "test". last night it took forever for her to go to bed (usually asleep aroun d7:30, 8 the very latest. We heard/watched her on the monitor until at least 8:30/9). Then, Dh decided to open her door last night as her room gets the coldest with drafts and she woke at 4:15 crying. I think it surprised her or something (light coming in). She proceeded to talk in her crib for the next hour and went back to bed. So, at the very best, she slept about 10 hours. HOW LONG DOES SHE NAP TODAY?

? 45 mins.
I actually just put her back in... hopefully she will catnap. Will make for a later evening, but she needs some rest. sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I am trying W2S tomorrow. CAN'T HURT?
