I'm fed up to the back teeth with dd and food. I know she's 2, she's learning manipulation nicely but I've just had enough - I can't remember the last time she ate a decent meal.
A couple weeks ago she was only on raw veg and milk, that's still the favourite. Today she had milk and a bite of bread for breakfast, lunch was half an egg and cucumber, more milk after her nap and dinner a whole 3tsp of risotto with ham and veggies. Oh, and then milk before bed - so over a pint in total, but she has to get calories from SOMEWHERE!
I know she likes everything I tried giving her today, anything suspicious or new is being flatly refused. She used to like almost all fruit and veg, now the list of no nos is growing fast. Ugh.
I try to eat breakfast and lunch with her, dh doesn't get home til late, so I eat with him - about the only "quality" time he and I get right now before I collapse exhausted on the sofa. However, eating with her doesn't seem to make any difference. I'm just so fed up of throwing away food, cooking things I know she normally likes to have them be refused. Tempted to resort to just opening baby food jars, but she never liked them either.
Sorry for the rambling moan, does anybody have a magic wand?