I have a 21 month old (Angel) girl and a 17 month old (Grumpy) girl and a due number 3 in 8 weeks, I am terrified.
This problem is a number of issues I guess but the worst for me at the moment is sleep.
I have always maintainted that children are not hard work but just a constant but now I am starting to find my youngest hard work.
Like I said she is a grumpy cnild, she is very willful, stubborn and throws temper tanrtums. I didn't know this was possible but now I think about it she has always been like this from birth. The Midwife asked if she was very active in the womb as she was very angry at birth, and she has never changed. I find her difficult to calm down and when she gets angry she will hit anything close to her including me, her sister, dad, dog etc....
Anyway about 3 months ago we moved the girls into the same room as we need the space for number 3. On the whole it is OK but if Angel child wakes up through the night, bad dream, sick (which has been on and off now 8 weeks) she makes a real drama out of things and I can settle her but generally she has woken her sister and she is full flow temper tantrum. It takes about 2 hours for her to fully calm down and be ready to go back to sleep. I have always just got on with having broken sleep, but when the next one arrives how am i going to divide my time? Never mind find time to breast feed?
Anyway a few nights a week when we put her down she wont settle and we end up bringing her out of the room so that she doesn't wake her sister, she will occasionally calm and we can put her down awake but more often than not she falls asleep on me. She will settle for naps most of the time but if she wakes.
I have never found her very easy to sleep train due to her nature and have tried doing put down, she will settle for a short while, ie when I am in the room but not if I try to leave. She will start screaming straight away.
Has anyone got any suggestions. Am I being to idealistic in thinking that children should go to bed and not wake up or can anyone suggest how I am going to split my time when no3 arrives?