Ali - I haven't tried that, actually. It did cross my mind last night in the middle of the night waiting for a bottle to warm but I didn't want her to get more upset and wake up more. Maybe next time we have a low key day, I'll try offering mid-nap? Do you think that might work? I'm a real chicken about messing with night sleep.
I offered this morning after pumping and she did do a bit of sucking. I did the same later in the day and she had no interest. It's kind of like if I don't offer for a couple days, she forgets she doesn't like it. But if I offer too often, she's over it. I may just offer every couple days with no expectation when the mood strikes us. Maybe I'll get lucky one of these days and she'll really take to it.
Thank you for the encouragement on pumping! It is a commitment and I'm proud of myself for doing it.