Ok, I have a weird question, (One I will laugh about when he;s older, but is super annoying now) my 15 month old goes down for naps no problem, falls asleep and then poops witing 30 - 40 min which wakes him up and he doesn't go back to sleep, obviously, since he wants to be changed. I change him, but this wakes him up so much that he won't go back down (especially not after a "powernap" of 30 min)
Any ideas? I've tried waiting to put him down till he had pooped, but that takes it to late into the afternoon, I've tried putting him down earlier, but then he's up too early to make it till bedtime.
I can't believe I've FINALLY made it to one nap and proper bedtimes where he just falls asleep on his own and now THIS....

Any ideas are welcome!