Author Topic: 28-month old waking once every night after transitioning to a twin bed  (Read 756 times)

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Offline mom2doubletrouble

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We've transitioned our 28-month old twins into their big girls beds with minimal problems.  They go down for naps and bedtime like champs.  However, one of the girls has been waking up crying one time almost every night.  I go in, tuck her back in, reassure her, etc.  After that she's okay until morning.  Is this a common problem for kids after they move from the crib into beds?  Before this, she would wake up every so often and I would wait a few minutes and she would usually just go back to sleep without me needing to go in to her.  However, now when she wakes up she seems so much more distraught and after waiting a minute or two to go in she cries louder and louder.  It's been almost 2 weeks since the transition, and I know she's not scared of the bed because she hops in no problem.  Could it be that she's waking up and is just disoriented because she's not used to the openness of the bed?  I know she needs to get herself back to sleep and she's done it no problem in the past, but with the transition to the bed I'm not sure on the best way to help her achieve that again.  Is that where WI/WO comes in?  Is that the best tool to utilize for her age?  Or is it possible there is some other factor causing her to wake up in the middle of the night?  Like I said, before the transition she would wake up occasionally (maybe once every 3 weeks or so) but now it's almost every night.

I appreciate any input those with children in this age bracket who have been through this can give me.  :)

Offline Layla

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Re: 28-month old waking once every night after transitioning to a twin bed
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2008, 07:18:25 am »
I don't know if its related to the big bed or not but my dd also went through a stage around that age where she would wake at night & want a tuck in or just to see me & then she was ok for the rest of the night. What I ended up doing was gradual withdrawal mixed in with wi/wo... where I would tuck her in for about a week & then it was me standing at the door & saying "its night time, go to sleep" to her & then it was me just saying "its night time" outside her door & that was enough for her to get back to sleep.

Personally I have no experience with big bed transitions so hopefully someone else will offer you better advise

Layla :)

20/06/2012 - my angel baby