My 11 week old DS used to sleep REALLY well, up until XMas (which was really busy, but we've been home for 2 weeks now...) Now, he goes to sleep fairly well, but will not stay asleep longer than 30-45 mins. Then he'll be shushed back to sleep, and do it again...He USED to be able to get himself over the sleep cycle humps, but now he seems to have forgotten!
I spent the entire day today in his room, reading a book beside his crib just waiting for him to wake and shush him back to sleep so that he didn't wake up
too much. And doing it while he's lying in his crib just doesn't cut it anymore, he NEEDS to be picked up. I CANT do it again tomorrow!!! What is happening? What do I do about it?
Here is our routine:
E 5:00 am - feed 6oz
A none
S back asleep by 5:30am
E 7:30am 6oz
A crib/mobile, change diaper - he is yawning by 8:20-ish - but now he's getting cranky by this time too....but he's only been awake for less than an hour!
S asleep by 8:30-8:45am - is he supposed to sleep the full two hours until the next feeding?
E 10:30am 6oz
A sit in front of fireplace, read a book - yawning by 11:20-ish
S asleep by 11:30-11:45am
E 1:30pm 6oz
A tummy time, chill out - yawning by 2:20pm
S asleep by 2:30-2:45
E 4:30pm 6oz
A hang w/mom and dad - yawning by same as above
S asleep by 5:30-5:45pm (this is not a catnap...I've tried waking him and doing a bath before last feed, but it was really upsetting for DS, didn't like it...)
E 7:30pm 6oz
A bath, get ready for bed
S asleep by8:30-8:45, sometimes 9pm. Tonight, just now in fact, he woke up 2x since putting him down at 8:45pm. Was shushed/patted back to sleep easily. He USED to sleep straight thru to 5am!
E DF 10:30pm 4oz
I feel like he should be awake longer so that he gets a good sleep. In fact, he used to be awake for 1.5 hours, then sleep for 1.5 hours. I've been trying to stretch it so it's like that again, but he gets cranky.
I have NEVER been able to put him down awake, as he's ALWAYS cranky. I walk him upstairs, talk about nap time, swaddle him, sit in the rocker for a bit, sing a this time, he's getting fussy, and full out crying seconds later.
I posted in bottle feeding, wondering if he should be eating more oz less times/day? Maybe switch to a 3.5/4 hour EASY? But what to do with him if he's getting cranky/tired at the 1 hour mark?
PLEASE help! I am desperate!