Author Topic: HELP! Sippy cup or larger cut nipple?  (Read 656 times)

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Offline sktyuen

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HELP! Sippy cup or larger cut nipple?
« on: January 25, 2008, 07:50:29 am »
My son is 7months 5 days old and I need some help with his eating habits. He's pretty much a textbook baby but can be impatient and demanding at times.

1. Tried to use 3+months nipple for BFree bottles when my son was 5months old. He kept choking and sputtering out the milk. Used 3 times a day for 2 weeks and then gave up.

2. Bought a TommeeTippee sippy cup (stage 1)... he didn't know how to use it..

3. Bought sippy spout attachment for BFree bottles. Son is drinking well from it but so far I've only put water and he uses it after eating solids.

4. Feeding Schedule:

630am              Wake up & Feed 7.5-8oz. formula
800am              Breakfast (1.5 oz cereal + 1.5oz fruit)
930am              Nap
1130am            Wake up & Feed
                      ***Depending on how hungry he is, usually solids go first
                      Lunch (1oz cereal + 1oz vegetable + 1oz fruit + 5.5-6oz formula)
200pm             Nap
330pm             Wake up & Feed
                      Dinner? (1.5oz vegetable + 1.5oz fruit + 5.5-6oz formula)
600pm             Bath
630pm             Feed 7.5-8oz formula
700pm             Bedtime

1. He takes 20-40min to finish a 8oz bottle. I think it's because I'm still using the 0+months nipple. He also gets fussy and restless after 4 or 5 oz because i'm thinking he's tired from sucking and bored from laying down so long.

2. He gets cranky sometimes in the high chair and the only way to get him to finish the rest of his solids is if he watches TV while he eats.

3. Right on the day he turned 7months he needed to be fed in the middle of the night again. He took a full 5oz at 4am and polished off a 7.5oz bottle at 8am. So I increased his formula and solids intake at lunch and dinner.

1. Should I start trying to use the 3+months niple again? or should I use the sippy spout to feed him the milk?

2. I dont want the TV watching to become a habit at feeding time.  Any tips on what to do?

3. To solve the night feeding issue, should I increase solids or formula or both?

Would appreciate any advice on the above.

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Re: HELP! Sippy cup or larger cut nipple?
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2008, 21:47:04 pm »
Hello! Please don't think I'm ignoring you, have just worked a late shift and cannot concentrate on answering your questions in full, but I will tomorrow - promise! :)

Alison x

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Re: HELP! Sippy cup or larger cut nipple?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2008, 20:35:16 pm »
My first thought is that maybe ds is having too few large meals, rather than a several smaller ones, and that this might be why he can't finish either his milk or solid foods!

Milk is of primary nutritional importance, babies actually don't need solid food other than for the experience until 9-10 or even 12 months. Milk provides almost all of the nutrition that they need, and solid foods are introduced to give them an opportunity to get used to textures and flavours, and the mechanics of how to eat, and to supplement the nutrition of the milk. So at 7 months, it is important to prioritise milk feeds over solid feeds, and to make sure that ds is getting at least, but preferably more than, 20oz milk per day - as he seems to be by your routine.

Perhaps you could offer a milk feed on ds's waking at 11.30am, then a solid lunch at 12.30 or 1pm, the same in the afternoon with a milk feed at 3.30pm, then a solid tea at 4.30 or 5pm - this would spread the milk and solid feeds a bit and still accommodate ds's naps - this in turn should maximise milk intake but still leave ds hungry enough to want to sample some solid food at mealtimes.

In general, I wouldn't pressure ds to finish his solid foods, but trust his instincts when he says he's had enough (this is likely the crankiness given that he cannot talk to you). NW may be due to hunger, in which case feed him if he needs it, my dd2 had a nightfeed until 13 months! But there are many causes of NW, and putting pressure on yourself and ds to eat more in the day in order to stop them isn't actually helpful for either of you!

I don't think I can answer the teat question, so I suggest that you post in bottlefeeding with that query, but I hope that gives you an idea of something to try for the other issues?

Alison x

Offline sktyuen

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Re: HELP! Sippy cup or larger cut nipple?
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2008, 07:03:45 am »
Thanks for your reply.

Actually he is able to finish all of his milk and solids most of the time, except he has these funny rituals in order to do it.

for example, with the milk feeding, usually the last 2oz. he needs to play with something in his hands while he finishes the rest of the milk. With solids, when he gets cranky I sit him on my lap and feed him and he's happy. Is it a bad habit to let him do that? (I only do it like once a week, most of the time he's find in his high chair). I just want to make sure the feeding experience is positive for him.

I guess because it took me a long time to get him to sleep through the night, I was too focused on not ruining it rather than paying attention to my baby's signs. He used to wake up crying 3-5times a night and I was so upset he wasn't able to get a proper night's rest. He's been sleeping pretty much from 7pm-630am and putting himself back to sleep in the middle of the night for 3 weeks now.

My sons finishes his milk and solids most of the time so I wont' worry too much now if he wakes up for a night feed once or twice a week.

Just to make sure I understand you properly, what you're suggesting is that I feed him a full portion of milk (8oz) and then an hour later just feed him as much solids as he will take rather than insisting on a certain amount of solids each meal. Is that right?

Offline Freya'sMum

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Re: HELP! Sippy cup or larger cut nipple?
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2008, 19:47:35 pm »
Just to make sure I understand you properly, what you're suggesting is that I feed him a full portion of milk (8oz) and then an hour later just feed him as much solids as he will take rather than insisting on a certain amount of solids each meal. Is that right?

Yup! That's it!

Glad he's sleeping better now :)

Alison x