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Re: church nursery
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2008, 01:18:24 am »
yea, i think some churches are more open than others....i think we'd be stressed knowing we are disturbing everyone!

again, thanks for all the support & advice!

Offline shelliz

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Re: church nursery
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2008, 01:26:37 am »
Hi there!

 I know it is so hard to trust leaving your lo with people you don't know.  When we joined our church we were so pleased to here that all of the nursery teachers have background checks :)  We could go in and spend the entire service with them if we wanted to (at any time).  The first several times I took my dd, I sat in there with all the caretakers. It was really reassuring to see what went on and to feel totally welcome to barge in whenever I wanted.   We also have a cry room and there are times that I don't feel like leaving my youngest in nursery. It is a perfect spot to go and nurse and still be able to hear the sermon.

Wanted to add....our church nursery system is FABULOUS!  They have this system (similar to Melissa's church) where  the kids get a sticker on their back and the parents get a number. If there is any issue what-so-ever, the nursery has the childs number put up on the screens so the parents can go get the kiddos. The parents also have to turn their sticker in and initial the sign-in sheet to get their babies back.  It is a wonderful system! 

I hope you find something that you feel comfortable with. I know that I SOOOO look forward to Sundays. Not only b/c it is our time of worship but also b/c it is an hour and a half of baby-free time ;D ;D  We don't have babysitters so this is literally one of the only child free moments of our week!

Good luck finding something you are really comfortable with!

 :) Shelby

« Last Edit: February 05, 2008, 01:29:12 am by shelliz »

Offline schristen

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Re: church nursery
« Reply #17 on: February 05, 2008, 02:35:28 am »
We leave Cameron in our church nursery too, I keep him in the service with me for worship time (songs) and during the children's sermon I take him to the nursery. When we visited a church in the evening once, I did take him, but then went back and peeked in on him halfway though....he was fine ;-) We aren't going through SA right now though, so with that in mind, I think the alternating with you and dh would be a great idea, then you can also get to know some of the children's workers!!! (Our church does background checks too...and we used to have a cry room (but we are currently meeting in an alternate setting, we are a presbyterian church)
Cameron Scott 4/13/07
Chase Anderson 12/4/08
Annika Elizabeth 5/18/10

Offline Lucysmom

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Re: church nursery
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2008, 19:23:01 pm »
Shelby - Our churches so similar!  They also will display a number on the screen that corresponds to a child if that child is not doing well in nursery.  It is really reassuring knowing that if Lucy needs me, I will know immediately.  We also have security guards guarding the entrance to the hallway where all the different classrooms are so only parents with tags can get in there.  It might be overkill to have this system considering where I live (in Amish country) but I am not complaining!

And I totally agree with really looking forward to church!  I love going because of my faith but also because it is kid-free time and I can really enjoy myself and immerse myself in the worship, the message, and my friends. 

The only thing I get bummed out about is that sometimes parents put their kids in nursery when they are a bit ill and then my dd is ill come Tuesday.  But this doesn't happen too often.  I am super cautious with Lucy and won't put her in nursery if she is slightly ill (i.e. runny nose).  I just would feel bad if another kid got sick as a result even though I would never know that.  Probably just one of my quirks, everyone else I know is very laid back about the whole thing.

Offline shelliz

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Re: church nursery
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2008, 04:14:58 am »
Oh Melissa...

   That is my BIGGEST pet peeve!  I'm also ultra cautious about taking my kids to nursery when they are sick. THat is the only reason I really hate leaving them there :-[  We were in the emergency room with my 7 month old last week who caught a virus (and a wierd rash) going around in the nursery. I supose he could have caught it anywhere...but this is the only place he (or my dd) has contact with any other children. I know that is life and we will get through it but that is also my only qualm with nursery.  I probably need to just get over it :P