I don't have long, so I'm going to make this quick. Here is DD's schedule. She's 11mo old, eating solids, still BFing or getting formula 5-6x/daily.
7am: wake-up
10-11:30: nap
2:30-3:30: nap
7:30: bedtime
I work M-Th 12:30-6:30; home by 6:45. The plan was for me to come home and spend time with Sam doing the bedtime routine - 10 min of quiet play, 15 min BFing, 15 min reading and snuggling.
Well, Sam disagrees with that. She's figured out that if she naps from 5-5:45, she can then stay up until 9:30 or 10 and spend more time with me. DH and I don't like this at all, but he is having one heck of time keeping her awake. For two weeks now, she has just been insistent that she's going to nap at 5pm. And, she will lay down on the floor while they're playing and go to sleep. She gets cranky and mad and wants that nap so she can play with me when I get home.
We are having a real hard time with this. I don't think a 45-min nap makes up for 2hrs of sleep, and she has trouble falling asleep.
Now, we know that she's doing it for me, because F-Sun, she follows the usual schedule. So, how do we manage this? How can DH effectively keep her up so that she'll follow roughly the same schedule every day. She's been doing this for about 2 weeks, and I've been back to work for about 3 weeks.