DD only dropped to 1 nap at 16 months and it took a lot of work to get her there. She's been going down at 11.30 and doing 2.5 to 3 hours.
In the last 2 weeks we've been out at about 11.30, getting home just before 12. She seems tired but when we get home she is really full of energy. I've been putting her down at 12.45 and she's only been doing 40 mins then totally melting down by 5.
Am I missing her sleep window and putting her down too late? I'm guessing at 18mths she should be down for her nap between 11.30 and 12. I'm sure she needs a good 2 hour nap.
Should I start getting her down earlier? i.e. 11.30 or 12 rather than 12.45??
She sleeps 7 to 7 at night.