I'm really struggling to keep my 4month old son on a routine. He was on a routine where he woke once at night then during the day had 3 naps - one for about 2.5-3 hours and 2 for about 1-1.5 hours, but in any order in the day (usually the long one first, but sometimes not). His routine on a typical day was:
E: 7am
A: 7:15-8:30
S: 8:30-11
E: 11am
A: 11:15-12:15
S: 12:15-1:30
E: 1:30pm
A: 1:45-3
S: 3-4:30
E: 4:30pm then bath
E: 6:30pm (sometimes also at 5:30pm)
S: 7pm
then dream feed at around 10-11pm then waking for a feed once in the night.
He then dropped his night time feed, keeping his day routine approximately the same. Obviously, I was delighted by this, but it didn't last. He slept through the night for a few nights then started waking in the night again. When he wakes in the night, he now sleeps in a bit later, till about 8am and the routine shifts a bit, but I still have him in bed by 7pm. He then started sleeping through the night again (so started waking at 6:30-7am) and did so for about a week then started waking at night again (and waking at 8am). If I try waking him earlier (ie 7am) so that he keeps a similar routine, he won't feed properly until 8-8:30am.
I'm wondering if maybe he's just not getting enough to eat because he's usually very cranky just before bedtime and sometimes I end up feeding him a few times to try and tank him up. Also, his night waking can be at any time from 3-5am and he just feeds quickly then goes back to sleep. I have tried giving him a pacifier to get him back to sleep but he won't accept it and is clearly hungry. How can I get him on a more reliable routine and sleeping through the night?
Could it be that he's ready for solids? He's only just 4months, but he is big - 7.2kg (16lb). He's breastfed and I know I could top him up with some formula milk, but I'm reluctant to do this because his father is dairy intolerant so I want to hold off giving him formula until he's 6 months.