Hi thanks for reply, a typical day looks like this:
7am - milk in cup about 8oz
8am - breakfast - weetabix or porridge about half a bowl, a few cheerios and 1 slice of toast
10am - snack - fruit or breadsticks
12.30ish - lunch - finger foods ie sandwiches, cheese, cucumber etc and petit filous
2pm - snack - same as above snack
5pm - tea - meat and veg etc normally a whole bowl and petit filous or fruit puree
7pm - milk in cup about 8oz sometimes doesn't finish
In between these times he always seems to be asking for food, if he sees me eating he wants some, if he catches sight of the bananas I've tried to hide he shouts until I give in and give him 1, I just feel like he is always eating!! He isn't a big boy, tall for age but average weight, on 50th% percentile for weight and 91st% for height!!