Author Topic: Started Day Care and NO NAPS!!!  (Read 789 times)

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Offline Sarahboosmom

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Started Day Care and NO NAPS!!!
« on: March 28, 2008, 00:34:34 am »
Hi Everyone!

DD is 18 months old today.  We just moved to a new state and for the first time DD is in a day care facility.  Prior to that she was in a private in home day care where the lady was very supportive of BW and followed EASY and put her down to sleep in a back room with white noise.  Never had issues with naps or nighttime wakings.

At our new house she's doing great with naps and night sleep.  However we just started the new day care and they said she is not napping at all.  They have cots not cribs there (first change), and everyone sleeps in the same room (second change) and there is music (third change).  They said that she will lay there quietly and will not cry at all, but does not close her eyes and sleep.

She is very happy there and eats well.  We've been putting her to bed as early as 6:30pm to compensate for the lost sleep.  Oh, did I mention she's currently cutting two 2nd year molars? 

I'm not looking for a solution since this is out of my control.  I guess I"m looking for reassurance that she will eventually get the picture and go to sleep there?  Am I doing the right thing putting her to bed early?  She doesn't cry, I'm just afraid that overtiredness will catch up with us very soon. 

Oh, my second thought is that usually when she's teething she had trouble napping, she often will wake at 45 min, so maybe the pain is keeping her up there.  In general if she is in pain she ONLY cries when I am around.  NO one else will she cry for.  As soon as I put her in the car she says 'ouch' and grabs her jaw and cries in the car.  Today I brought juice and tylenol for her and that made her happy.  My thought is that I could give her some Motrin in the car just before I drop her off, and perhaps that the 6 hours of the medicine will help her to relax?

Thoughts?  Anyone else have success?  I'm so protective of her sleep its distressing!  She is a WONDERFUL child when she naps and in her 18 months of life there has only been maybe 4 times we've had to miss any naps.  We always have adjusted our life to ensure that her needs for sleep are met however I just can't change the day care situation.  It is a WONDERFUL facility and she is so happy to go there.  I'm hoping after another week it will be over.  Help!

Offline kittycase

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Re: Started Day Care and NO NAPS!!!
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 06:53:49 am »
I too am very concerned about my lo's getting their naps. I recently had a sitter watch my then 9 month old. She put her for a nap in a playpen in the middle of the living room (with the t.v. on and everyone around)...and wondered why she cried all day...hmm cause she was tired and couldn't settle into a busy environment.  My oldest had gone to a day care facility for her first year. She was transitioned to the 12-24 month room a month early. They were sleeping on mats on the floor...mind you she was only 11 months. Most of the other kids were around 20-24 months and did not nap for long. She would be the last one napping and was forced to wake up because all of the other kids were walking all around her (she would sleep for like 3hrs!). I have no idea how she nesteld into the idea of sleeping on the floor vs. the crib, but she did.  Perhaps they can adjust her cot to be on the outside of the others (not sure how they are arranged) to provide her with a direction to turn away from all of the other children. Another idea might be to incorporate some of the daycare changes at home to maintain one aspect of consistance.  You could see what music they use and buy the cd to play at home.  Hang in there.  Kids adjust better than we do to new situations.

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Re: Started Day Care and NO NAPS!!!
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2008, 08:33:23 am »
HUGS. It is hard when they start day care. I was in a similar situation a while back. I went in to the nursery and demonstrated how to get my lo off to sleep, and talked a lot to them about sleep (even gave them some bw handouts, I was that obsessed!!). It sounds as though you are both doing really well.  I think if she is not fussing at nap time I wouldn't worry too much and putting her to sleep early to compensate is a good idea. As long as the nursery understand her routine and the things you do when getting her to sleep and follow this, I wouldn't worry.

I think if she has molars coming & is upset, then I'd give her some medicine like you say, or give it to the nursery to use if necessary (difficult if she only let's you know she is in pain). The other thing I would do is to start talking to her. I know she is still very young, but talk to her about how it is OK to let other people (including named worker at nursery) know if she is hurting/ teeth hurt , by saying something (give her the words), so that they will help her or you could teach her the sign for pain and encourage her to communicate this.

Hang in there, it will get easier in time.
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 08:36:02 am by chell »
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Offline Sarahboosmom

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Re: Started Day Care and NO NAPS!!!
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2008, 20:23:48 pm »
Thank you for your words of encouragement.  Last Friday she took a nap, shot one but she napped.  I had given her some motrin just as I dropped her off.

Yesterday they said she took a FULL 2 hour nap!  They were so excited and they praised her big time and made a big deal.  So hopefully this is a sign of improvement. 

She absolutely loves it there and proceeds to get her coat on and wave by to me standing by the door!  Too cute!  Hopefully today they have more good news for me.

Thank you all!