Thanks for your answer. It does sound a bit like a lecture but I think I needed to hear that.
I can't get rid of milk cold turkey, but I was hoping that either watering it down or reducing it slowly would help. Or maybe I could delay it, say 15 minutes every few days.
I cannot possibly start the day at 4:30am. It would never work for either of us. She usually goes back to sleep after her milk and sleeps until 7 - 8:30.
I am in the room but just sitting on her bed. I don't think this makes a difference since we're still sharing a room.
Believe me, I've tried explaining this to her over and over. She just doesn't believe me and dismisses everything I say by labeling me an "unexperienced mother who believes everything she hears".
I know this is gonna be a problem later, when my LO is older, but I don't think she'll be around then. I can't really take vacation time from work right now. I did when I first started sleep training 3 wks ago, so I can't again for a while. I did write it down, and she ignored it. She also doesn't believe in overtiredness, which is becoming a huge disagreement between us. She believes that if someone is tired, they'll fall asleep and stay asleep and sleep late. She also believes that an early bedtime means an EW.
Actually, last night I wanted to get her to bed at 6:30 (when I got home from work) so I asked my aunt to feed her dinner at 5:30. She did not, and she purposely made it so that I couldn't put her to bed until 7:30, even though she woke up from nap at 1pm.
Anyways... sorry about my rambling... do you think the reducing/watering/delaying the milk would work/help? If so, which one should I try first?