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Offline nyree

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Haberman Bottles
« on: May 15, 2008, 19:58:46 pm »
Has this been asked before? My DD has a poor suck, and in Tracy's book she talks about the Haberman bottles. I got one today from ebay, has anyone found this to actually work? and if so , how did you start the whole process off. I am tired of nursing, pumping and supplementing. I want to get this breastfeeding thing sorted once and for all.

Nyree :'(

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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 04:40:42 am »
Nyree - I think we might need a bit more information. It depends what you mean by 'work'. They work in the sense that on the zero flow option the haberman ensures your baby has to work hard for the milk and it is comparable to how they work at the breast. Though obviously not exactly the same.
But using a haberman will not 'get breastfeeding sorted once and for all'. Only working on your breastfeeding will do that. Tell us what is happening right now. How much are you pumping? Do you have any support in real life? How old is your LO? How do you know she has a weak suck? How much do you supplement in the day and do your always do it after a breastfeed?
I am guessing you are supplementing with bottles. A first step might be using a supplementary feeder at the breast rather than a bottle. But using a haberman if you have to supplement is definitely a better idea than a regular bottle.
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Offline nyree

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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2008, 16:54:31 pm »
I have seen 6 lactation consultants, used the lactaids tube etc. I have a 2 year old who did the same thing and my LO is 3 weeks old. Excuse my frustration but, I have genuine reason for it, my 2 year old was re-admitted into hospital for failure to thrive(kept losing weight) I do not get 15 free minutes 8 times a day to pump milk without someone needing me. I do what I need to do at the moment to make sure my LO is getting enough food.


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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2008, 17:10:56 pm »
You are completely entitled to be frustrated. Big HUG.

Humour me (if you can spare 5 minutes) -

Have you had your iron levels tested? Thyroid? Any history of hormonal issues?

Taking fenugreek/ blessed thistle/ goat's rue?
Prescription of domperidone/ Motilium?

Using the haberman isn't going to remove the need for pumping if you are intending to use ebm. You use the zero flow option if you are seeking to reproduce breastfeeding. Hopefully yours came with instructions. If not they are available through medela.

Anything we can do to improve your opportunity to pump - pumping bra? Pumping halter top? Then you could at least be hands free if you have an electric pump. Can we get you a better pump? Do you have the right size funnels/ flanges?
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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2008, 17:34:57 pm »
your in good hands, so im just sending some hugs{{{{{{{}}}}}}

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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2008, 00:07:11 am »
Hugs!  I was on the pump 8x per day routine for the first 8 weeks of my dd's life, and I FEEL YOUR PAIN!   I felt like I was being tortured and kept in a barn like a heifer.  I can't imagine having to do it with a toddler.

I don't know how you help develop a baby's suck (our issues were different), but I guess theres a supply issue too?  I got a prescription for one week of Reglan from my baby's pediatrician, it about doubled my supply in 3 days.  I have heard domperidone is better and safer. 

What about increasing nursing frequency in lieu of some pumping sessions?  There are some slings you can wear the baby in and nurse, some people can even walk around like that (I never got the hang of it, but I didnt' have to chase a toddler then, I might have tried harder to master it)

Hugs! Don't worry about venting frustration, everyone here understands.  You'll get lots of good info and support, and always NO JUDGEMENT, that's one of the best things here.
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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2008, 01:12:36 am »
I have never heard of a pumping halter top or anything like that.I am taking fenugreek , should i be taking blessed thistle too? I heard that domperidone can cause PPD , so I am reluctant to take anything like that. The pump I have is an electric double pump I am renting from the hospital. My 2 year old is really challenging at the moment since the LO came along so it lowers my chances of pumping even more. I don't know if I answered all the questions. I really appreciate everyones support so far.


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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2008, 05:21:54 am »
Blessed thistle and fenugreek in combination are more successful than just fenugreek alone in the vast majority of cases.
I'm referring to a product like this one:
This is a UK site but they are sold all over. It would allow you to pump and focus on your 2 year old (as the attractive photos suggest!).

I understand your concern about domperidone. It certainly isn't side effect free but PPD isn't a commonly reported side effect. Some people report 'irritability' during the first few days. There are one or two comments on message boards linking with depresssion but that is inevitable as it's used by young mothers. However there are other side effects for sure.
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Re: Haberman Bottles
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2008, 07:18:35 am »
Hi, I pumped for the 1st 9 weeks. We had latching issues. It WAS hard, I won't deny that, and I had 3 other kids to run around after but I did manage to get some pumping done. I also pumped at night. It was easier as everyone else was asleep!
I also had to give the odd bottle of formula especially in the evening as I was running around getting 4 kids ready for bed and my supply wasn't great then.

I took Domperidone twice (always makes me think of Champagne. I wish!) I had no side effects at all. It worked great for me.

Did you bf your 1st child? Could it be that the baby just has a different suck?  I bf DS1 and I'm noticing that DS3 doesn't seem to suck as hard as DS1 did - I'm not getting such a 'flat top', long nipple this time round.

Do you have someone who can watch your toddler while you pump or even while you try and feed the baby?
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