My 2 year old makes up excuses to stay up very often now. She has a 2 month old brother and she is recently potty trained. She prolongs sleep by crying for us to take her to the potty, or that she already went potty in her night diaper. She may cry for water, books to read, or to get rid of books or a blanket in her bed. She cries loudly and screams for or us. It happens when it's time to go to bed and in the middle of the night. This happens at nap time too. She has always been a terrific sleeper. Sometimes she would wake up and cry in the middle of the night, but when we wouldn't rush in, it stopped. Now that she can talk well, we would give in to what she wanted. Now what? How do we get her to go to sleep and not ask for everything? What things should we go in for, and what not? Help!!