so my 2 week old is already becoming too used to sleeping on me or falling asleep while bf, rocking, walking, etc... so last night I decided to try pat/sh but she was just too OT and would not settle for anything except when holding. I tried for 45 min like supose to but nothing. Then fed her and of course she was out. She also prefers very much to sleep in her bouncy seat. I decided this afternoon I would put her down awake to see what happened. I got her down after first yawn. She was in bed about 15 min and not really crying, but more like loud whining so I didn't go in - is that CIO? I definately don't want that, but she would just let out a cry every couple min and stop for a couple. I have a video monitor and it looks like she is falling asleep, she is very quiet now, but her startle reflex seems to be keeping her awake. I can't swaddle her she is to big so I do have her legs swaddled but not her arms. I ordered the miracle blanket but it hasn't come yet. I also think it is too quiet for her as she is used to the noise of her 2 big sisters, so I am also waiting on a white noise machine, I know they both loved it!! She has been quiet for about 10 min now, but I can't really tell if she's asleep because she is still grunting (which she does a lot whether she's awake or asleep) and still moving some, but I can't see her eyes. I just know how important sleep is to all of us and especially for her to fall asleep on her own, but I am trying not to obsess over it and know we will do it in time. I am also afraid because at night I have fallen asleep w/ her on the couch while I'm holding her or in the chair while I am feeding her and it scared me so much. Our last baby died at 17 days old from trisomy 13 and I could not handle losing another one, especailly over lack of sleep!!!!
Sorry for being so long, just needing some advise