Author Topic: Why have an early evening catnap (rather than a longer nap)?  (Read 1211 times)

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Offline Sarah72

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Hi, my DS is now 9 weeks old and we are really getting into the swing of our EASY routine. Daytime naps are working really well but I am trying to sort out night wakings at the moment by looking at the catnap and bedtime. Can anyone please explain why it is recommended to have the early evening catnap? I am sure DS would sleep for longer if I let him. If he doesn't wake up himself after 45 minutes, I wake him, but whichever we do he screams the place down so I end up feeding him straight away.

Offline brenda2

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Re: Why have an early evening catnap (rather than a longer nap)?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 21:51:09 pm »
hi and welcome to the boards!! great you are getting into EASY and it sounds like you're off to a great start!

can you post your routine (EAS) and we'll have a look.


Offline Sarah72

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Re: Why have an early evening catnap (rather than a longer nap)?
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2008, 16:38:35 pm »
Thanks for the quick response. I am really pleased with how EASY is working out - all my friends can't believe how well I am coping with a baby!

Anyway, my routine is as follows:

7am - E
7.45 - A
8.30 - S (sometimes in car)
10 - E
10.45 - A including wind-down
11.30 - S -  I usually have to wake him from this S
1pm - E
1.45 - A including wind-down
2.30 - S
4 - E
4.45 - A including wind-down
We will then get a 30 minute catnap at around 5.30 but when ds wakes he is very gassy and screams. I try to comfort him as best as I can until the next feed.
7pm - E
7.45 - Bath/Wash and wind-down
8.30 - S
10.30 - E - my attempts at a dream feed do not work  :-\
He will then wake at about 2 or 3am when I feed him
He then wakes any time from 5am when I feed again
I then have to wake him to start again at 7am

He goes down pretty well for all his naps. I shh pat and it takes between 5 and 20 minutes to get him to sleep.

If I just let ds sleep for as long as he wants at 5.30, would that be a problem? I would prefer to do that rather than waking him after 45 minutes as it is then a long time until the next feed and I am not sure how to fill this time. At the moment he just spends it screaming :(


Offline brenda2

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Re: Why have an early evening catnap (rather than a longer nap)?
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2008, 17:25:03 pm »
well congratulations on having such a good start!!   :)

with the df - when you say it doesn't work does he not take any at all or is it just that he then wakes in the night for a feed?  it's not for every baby, for some it actually makes them wake more...if he doesn't take it and still makes it all the way to 2 am without it i'd say that's fantastic!!  even with the df you would expect 1 or 2 overnight feedings at this age.  does that make sense?

ok as for your routine.  it looks great for the first part of the day.  if you can get that many long naps that's great!!  ;D  some poeple cluster feed at the end of the day, so feeding right when he wakes from the last nap is fine and then you'd feed him again before bed.  also you have a very long last A time, longer than every other A time which is too long before bed.   and i would have your bedtime at 7 or 7:30 to go for a 12 hour day - 8:30 is too late.  kwim??

so i would do this:
4 - E
5:30-6:15 - S  (45 to 50 min for the catnap)
6:15 - E
6:45 bath and wind down
7:30 - E  (top up, especially if df doesn't work for you cluster feeding may work better)
7:45 bedtime

if you want to keep your 8:30 bedtime you would need to have another catnap in there in order to still do the cluster feeding, or you can have a long nap for your 4th nap (5:30 to 7 sleep, E at 7, S at 8:30) like you mentioned, but then you lose the cluster feeding.  tracy's 2nd book TBWSAYP has a EASY for 4 wo on pg 25 that has a schedule written out for this type of thing.

it's a bit of fiddling with the routine to see what works, and of course it has to be flexible because they are always changing!!  as he gets older you really do want to have a 12 hour day, late bedtimes just don't work, they get too OT.

because your baby is 9 wo i would go with the routine i outlined above.  i hadn't found the BW when i had a newborn, we started at about 3 months.  maybe you mums out there with newborns can share what's working for you!



Offline Sarah72

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Re: Why have an early evening catnap (rather than a longer nap)?
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2008, 20:28:30 pm »
Thanks so much for that, it is an amazing help to have someone look at our timings and tell me I am doing good! I think I was a bit over dramatic about the dream feed - he does feed but wakes up so it is just like a normal feed. He also still fills his nappy at every feed so I have to change him.

Anyway, I will definitely try your suggested evening routine and see how we go.

Thanks again