Hi ladies
I'm really hoping some of you can help me - or at least keep me sane.
My little boy is 10 weeks old and is still feeding every 2 hours, sometimes less, day and night. He'll occasionally go longer in the day if we're out and about as he'll crash out in the pram or car. I am trying him on Easy but having no luck as he feeds so often and his sleep patterns are erratic. Last night he fed almost every hour from 12-6am. I;ve not had more than a couple of hours sleep in a row for 2 months now and am feeling pretty desparate. Last week my dh started giving him a 10pm dream feed (even though he sometime sonly fed at 9pm after going to bed at 7) and then a bottle after that one (formula) just so i can try and get a few hours sleep in. Even the formula isn;t really making him go longer. 2 1/2 hours then, after 1-2pm he's up every couple of hours. He is going back to sleep now which is a massive improvement on the first month or so.
How can i get him to go longer?? He only feeds for about 10-15 mins also which i'm convinced is not enough. I've tried the old nappy changes etc to wake him up but he just falls asleep.
My dd used to feed for 10min s every 3 hours and that i could cope with.
Samuel was born at 36 weeks and was in special care for 11 days so we did have a hard time getting him to breastfeed at all, so there has been a massive improvement in that sense. I don;t want to give in to formula all the time after sturggling for 10 weeks, but am so exhausted not knowing when things will improve.
I've read peoples problems on here and cried when mums have complained that there babies only feed for 20mins, or only sleep for 3-4 hours!!!! That would be heaven for me!!!
Thanks in advance - even just for reading as i need to maon to someone!
Love Annie xxx