Author Topic: Short feed intervals and EASY  (Read 617 times)

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Short feed intervals and EASY
« on: May 16, 2008, 16:21:36 pm »
Hi ladies, I hope someone can help me a bit!
I did easy with my first child and it all worked really well for us however she was bottle fed and was able to go 3 hours at least from an early age (she slept through from 7-7 with a df at 11pm from 5 weeks), this time round I really battled for my right to breast feed (i was told a flat out no way first time round due to medications i have to take for chronic pain syndrome, I am on Oxycontin and Oxynorm) and my son and I have taken to breast feeding really well and I love it and never want to stop, the only problem is he feeds so often, the morning are good, he has his first feed of the day around 6.30-7am and then again around the 10am mark and again at about 1pm but it's then that things start to get difficult, he starts wanting to feed every 2 hours at least, often even more frequently, I think he is going through a bit of a growth spert at the moment as he has gone back to having 2 night feeds most nights after having dropped one a couple of weeks ago (he won't dream feed as he just won't latch is he is asleep or drowsy, tried ebm in a bottle but he guzzles and then spends the next hour bringing most of it back up so kind of defeats the purpose!) so to get back to the point I am totally at a loss of how to implement easy with such short intervals between feeds, say he feeds at 2pm, finishes feeding at about 2.30pm and then wants to sit up and play for a while, he starts giving sleep cues around 3pm but then there is only a max of an hour before he will want feeding next and by the time he is wound down and ready for sleep (approx 15mins) his tummy starts growling and he won't settle because he wants to be fed again so i try and keep it as chilled as possible then feed him again at 4pm and of cause because he hasn't had a real sleep since before 2pm he just wants to sleep after that feed, often falling straight to sleep after that feed while still latched on, he will then sleep for about an hour and a half then wake up wanting to play for a little while before he wants to feed again turning EASY on it's head! How do a manage the frequent feeding in the structure of EASY??? Thanks in advance, Jen x

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Re: Short feed intervals and EASY
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2008, 19:33:53 pm »
a lot of people do a very modified easy in the early days when their babies want to feed so often. Typical would be feed, activity then a snack before a nap but aiming to still put their lo down awake.