My DD2 is now almost 8 months old. She has some health troubles (reflux, kidney trouble) so I have been slow to get her started with solids because I really felt that if anyone would have food allergies/intolerances, it would be her. She has been SO ready for solids, she actually cries through our meals unless we give her some water or something to gnaw on while we eat. Poor baby
Two weeks ago, I gave her rice cereal for the first time. She had a bad reaction to it (vomiting, blood & mucus in diaper) but was advised by my GP (paed out of town) to try rice again, one week later, in smaller amounts. So I did that, but she was obviously in some discomfort and her reflux flared up. I switched to oats and she was better but not back to normal. Then I realized that the Baby MumMum crackers I was giving her at our meal times had rice in them (DUH!). Once I cut those out she seemed herself again. So we were just feeding 1/2 tsp of oats every day for breakie but she really wants to feed herself and unless it's watered down, 1/2 of oats doesn't mix up to much that she could feed herself. I introduced her to cereal because I was concerned about her becoming anemic and needing the extra iron (although she's not anemic and is aside from the kidney stones and reflux , a thriving young girl) Since she seemed OK with oats I also gave her some banana to feed herself and she was quite please with herself, eating it up as fast as she could grab it. I did that for two days, but she didn't have a bowel movement in those 2 days (when she did it was still really runny though, so she wasn't constipated).
To complicate things further, we've had to wean her from her swaddle (actually we went cold turkey) 4 days ago and she's able to settle herself quite well now. She has one NW for a feed between 3 and 5 am, but now she also has an EW at 5:30, has been like that for the last 4 mornings. I don't know if it's related to a food sensitivity or the swaddle, but I didn't feed her any solids today to see if that would help. I've posted on the general sleep board for help with routine but then I realized maybe it was a solids issue.
So, to make a long story even longer
I'm wondering what do I do now? I feel like whatever I feed her is not agreeing with her, and I want to do BLW, but I worry about the iron levels issue (she's EBF) so that's why I opted for cereal. What other foods can I try feeding her (or rather, she'll feed herself since she's quite capable) that are not bad for refluxers or highly allergenic or cause gassiness, and yet be high in iron? Meat? How does one prepare meat for a baby to feed themselves?
If this needs to be moved to the food allergies board, I apologize in advance. I don't know that any allergies actually exist, she just seems sensitive to things.