Author Topic: Am I drying up??? again...  (Read 1045 times)

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Offline Meditrina

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Am I drying up??? again...
« on: May 28, 2008, 22:27:57 pm »
So, my 8 1/2 m/o lo is exclusively bf 4-5 times a day with solids 3 meals of the day.  However, last week he went on a bf strike x2 days and then started again the day I got some formula for him.  This week he has done the same thing so this am I gave him a sippy with some formula in it when he refused to bf.  He doesn't take a lot of the formula, only about 2-3 oz today total so obviously he is not getting enough of this... I have been taking domperidone for my milk supply since he was 4 m/o because he was not getting enough and this has already been increased from 2x day to 3x day when he was about 6m/o.  I don't know if he is weaning himself or if he is not getting enough so deciding it is not worth it... I wanted to b/f until at least 1 year when he can start homo milk, but it seems he may have to start formula instead....
Does anyone know if there are other ways to increase milk sippy or should I just give up and supplement full time?  Also If I supplement should I give him a bottle or sippy? He has not had a bottle until now so I wanted to avoid using one if possible.  And how do I get him to take more formula if that is what I have to do?

Offline Meditrina

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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2008, 01:01:52 am »
Another question...

Some easy schedules show that moms bf then give solids 1 hour later and others do it at the same time (one right after the other)....Which is best?


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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2008, 21:59:29 pm »
First thing is I would say he's most likely not weaning himself.  According to kellymom babies don't usually self wean until they are well over a year old.

It's most likely something else.  I know you can take other things to help your milk supply.  I haven't read this all the way through yet but it's got some great ideas for increasing low milk supply.

Also, you should for sure be pumping when he's not nursing.  Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and if you can, get some skin to skin cuddle time.

Please...keep us posted!


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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2008, 01:19:30 am »
Another thing I thought of was have you started your period?  I hear that can cause a dip in supply as well as an aversion to bfing for some lo's.  From what I've also heard, it passes in a day or two.

Oh, and as far as the giving solids.  It's really up to you and your lo as to how long you wait.  Sometimes we wait 30 min. sometimes 1 hour, sometimes even 1 hour and a 1/2.  I found my lo ate better when I waited a little longer after his milk feed and he didn't wake early from a nap because he was hungry.

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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2008, 01:22:37 am »
Hi there,

no advice ont he milk supply sorry - except what Noelle has already advised.  As for the milk before solids, always give bf before solids, so bf is still the main source of nutrition until 1yr old.  And yes, how long you wait is up to you, but an hour is a good indication to make sure they are still hungry enough for solids.

good luck on the milk supply - keep us posted.

Offline shelliz

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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2008, 01:55:17 am »
Hi there and hugs!! 

  My son went on a nursing strike when he was 9 months during a stomach bug that we all got. I tried and tried to get him back to the breast and I never was able. So...I have been pumping exclusively for almost 4 months now.  One thing that has worked WONDERS for me is taking Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle.  I don't know why it works so well...but oh my goodness it does!!  I also make sure to never miss a pumping session b/c doing so will really effect my supply. When I was trying to increase my supply during pumping I also made sure to pump at least several minutes after the last drop of milk has come out b/c this tells your body that it needs to make more to meet the demand.   Have you tired pumping and giving him expressed milk? It has worked well for us as I was not wanting to move to formula and really wanted him to have breast milk until a year old. Here we are 14 days until his birthday.  We've almost made it and YOU both have too. Hugs and a pat on the back for making it as far as you've had.  Good luck w/ your supply issues!

(: Shelby

Offline Meditrina

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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #6 on: June 01, 2008, 01:48:29 am »
Well, I don't know if it was a dip in my supply but he has bf well the last 2 days.....I honestly was not pumping when he didn't feed so I will have to make sure I do from now on...

I have had 2 periods since he was born in Sept, a short one in Jan and a really really heavy one in April.....

With the solids question I was wondering if I fed them all at once (bf then solids right after) then maybe he would be hungry enough to bf more pc his nap....

Thanks for the advice, right now he is doing well so I hope it stays that way!


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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2008, 03:07:27 am »
With the solids question I was wondering if I fed them all at once (bf then solids right after) then maybe he would be hungry enough to bf more pc his nap....

Yeah, makes sense to do it that way if you're wanting to make sure he's hungry enough for his next bf.  It's the way I'd do it if I was worried about how much milk my lo was getting.

That's really great it was a short lived strike.  Glad he's back to nursing!

Shelby...that's really awesome you've been pumping for so long so your little guy can have his mama's milk.  Hopefully someday he'll come to know what a testament of love that really is.  (maybe when his wife is nursing their babies huh!) 

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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #8 on: June 01, 2008, 16:52:24 pm »
Thanks Noelle!!!  Just noticed your Gunnar was born one day before Joshua!! How cool!  Can you believe how fast time has flown?   (:  I admire you....momma of FOUR!!! 


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Re: Am I drying up??? again...
« Reply #9 on: June 01, 2008, 20:51:04 pm »
That is cool!  I can't believe how fast it's flown either.  I remember being a new mommy (again) and being on this board constantly looking for answers.