Thanks for the support - am glad it's not just me that worries about so much stuff . . . ie beginning to worry I might cause a feed / sleep association after spending so long working to do exactly the opposite - does that even make sense?!! I know what I mean, just not sure I'm wording it correctly!!
Funnily enough just when I think everything is going alright something else happens - isn't it always the way LOL!
Last night Alice woke at 8.30pm - she'd gone to bed early (6pm) as she'd woken early and ended up at the point of OT by the end of the day. She was really upset but I did manage to settle her - until my knees cracked (old age!) as I got up to leave her room and I woke her
It was 9.20pm by then - so I decided to give her DF early as I didn't want to spend another 20 mins or more trying to settle her only to feed her (and possibly disturb her) after another 10 mins or so. (DF is at 10pm - usually given by DH who is on nightshift at the moment).
I didn't mention this in my PP cos I thought it was due to Alice having a bit of an 'off day' iykwim. Anyway, our routine today has been pretty spot on - almost a perfect 4 hour one! - but Alice woke again at 9pm. We've pretty much done the same thing as we did last night - ie I tried to settle her for 20 mins and she was pretty much gone - she then jolted awake and by then it was 9.30pm so I gave her DF half hour early . . . not really sure it's classed as a DF if your LO is awake!!
So . . . will just have to see what happens tomorrow night - maybe it's a new thing?!!
Berni x