I just read a post where several moms commented that their EBF lo's can't seem to make it for a four hour EASY. I'm having the opposite problem: my lo (4.5 months) easily lasts 3.5-4 hours to feed. He has good A time (I think) of 1.5-2.5 hours as the day progresses, and he takes two 1.5-2 hour naps plus a catnap. But he wakes a lot at night. It's all over the map, so I think maybe he's hungry. We did have a problem that he was getting too much day sleep, so once I cut back a bit, he began sleeping through the evening. We've had a few nights where he woke twice to eat and went right back to sleep, but usually it's much more than that. What am I doing wrong? Lots of non-BW people have told me to feed more often during the day. I feel like his A time and sleep are good during the day, so I don't know how to feed him more often without having to wake him. Is it worth it? Will he sleep better at night?
I'm getting a lot of advice that I am making him go too long to eat, and I feel really guilty when I hear that, even though I always feed him earlier if he seems hungry. He just doesn't! And sometimes, when I try to cluster feed in the evenings, he spits up a lot like I overfed him, right when I pick him up to burp him. Does that mean he's overfed? And what if I can only cluster feed 1.5 hours apart? Is that enough time? Once I tried to nurse only an hour later, and he got really frustrated because there was no let down at all. I don't want to do that to him right before bed.