Hi there,
Last Friday I started pu/pd with 8month son with appalling sleep habits. Have had incredible success with nights, but struggling with naps. Here's our routine:
Awake: 6.00 - 7.00
E: 7.00 BF
E: 7.30 Solids
A: 7.45
S: 9.00 ish
Wakes 30mins later
E: BF 11.00
E: 12.30 solids
S: 1.30
Wakes about 40mins later
E: 3.00 BF
E: 5.00 solids
6.30 Bath
E: 6.45 BF
S: 7.00
Wakes 2.30 - 3.30 BF
I think I should be aiming for a nap at 10am for 1.5hours and another at 2pm for 2 hours, he always seems tired at 9.00, and then by midday again as he's not napped for long enough. If I then stretch him til 1.30 he's probably ot.
Help, it all starts from the morning nap. If I could crack this, I think we'd be sorted!
By the way, when he wakes from pm nap, he's screaming and v hard to console. Have tried pu/pd for naps with no success. Try for 40mins ish then take him out of bedroom.
No props.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong please?
Thank you