So when Rugby was 6 months I was having trouble with short naps and sleeping through the night. I had posted about short naps and some people helped me out by telling me that we should switch to 2 naps rather than 3 and inplement an earlier bedtime (I can't find my old post). Anyway, I was able to make the switch and things were going great. He was taking his 2 naps and pretty much sleeping through the night. Now we are having trouble again. He is still doing 2 naps, but only for about 1 1/2 hours. His nap schedule goes like this he wakes usually about 6 and then first nap is 9-10:30-40ish. Then he is up and playing until about 1. I can't seem to get him to stay up longer than that without meltdown so I put him down when he is tired. Then he will sleep until 2:30 - 40ish. Now he is tired around 5, is that too early for bed? SHould I be putting him down for another nap then? I have been holding him out for bed until 5:45 sometimes 6, but he has been having a terrible time at night and so I think he is OT. He will wake 2-3 times a night and is near impossible to get down, just screams and screams. Help!