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Offline james030405

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Do the EW's every end!!!!
« on: June 04, 2008, 02:19:17 am »
I have 2 children, James 3 and Kate 16mths.  James has always been an early waker and didn't nap the best when he was a baby.  His sister Kate is a fantastic sleeper, has always been able to put herself to sleep and unless sick sleeps through the night.  Kate is now also turning into an early waker.  They are both on 1 nap a day, James anywhere between 1-2hrs (there are some days where he doesn't nap) and Kate is usually around 2-3hrs.  This will sometimes be in the form of 2 naps ie will have a short catnap in the car in the morning and then will have a good 1.5hr nap in the afternoon.  We are all up between 5-6am every morning.

Most of James friends are now waking anytime between 7-8am.  Some still nap, some don't. 

James bedtime is 7:30/8pm (depending on nap) and Kates bedtime is 7/7:30pm.  This is sometimes earlier like 6:30pm or so if she had one long early nap.  They are both very active, outdoorsy kids so we are always running around outside.  While they both are not BIG eaters, they are GOOD eaters.  I can always get them to eat fruit/veges etc.

I guess I am just wondering if this every ends.  I am not looking for 8am wakings, even 7am, I am happy with 6/6:30am wakings.  Neither of them go daycare, but next year James is due to start kindy 2-3 days a week so 6/6:30am wakings are good.  I feel like this has been going on for 3 years now and especially because his friends have started to change their sleeping patterns, I was just wondering WHY James hasn't.  I can't make him go without a nap as he wakes too early.  ON the day days he doesn't nap, he is usually in bed by 6:30pm.

Not really looking for ways to make them sleep later, just some encouragement that there will be an end to this before they turn 15  ;D

Thanks for listening.


Offline Aly Mac

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Re: Do the EW's every end!!!!
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2008, 03:05:00 am »
Oh hugs Lisa (and waving madly)

I can't give you the advice that it will end, as I only have a 19month old myself.  Maybe it has something to do with the time of day they have their naps??? I mean the bedtime seems ok, but maybe the nap is too early in the day??? 

just guessijng really - i'm sure it does end love.


Offline james030405

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Re: Do the EW's every end!!!!
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 03:25:48 am »
Hi Aleesa,  great to hear from you.  I hope you and your little family are well.  We really should catch up with Deb soon. 

thanks to both of you for advice and encouragement.  I'm afraid itdoesn't matter what time the naps are, he use to nap around 1:30pm but bedtimes were getting really late and he has been falling asleep on his own around 12/12:30pm anyway.

He did sleep 6pm - 6am a week ago, but he was getting a cold and I put it down to that because even on days where he doesn't nap and goes to bed around 6:30pm, he can still wake between 5-6am.

Oh well, I'm sure I can pay him back when he is a teenager and I guess that if he is up then his sister may as well be up too.  BTW, sometimes it is Kate who wakes first so it is not a case of James waking Kate.

Thanks again
