I have twin girls. They are 8 months old (born at 36 weeks). We have several sleep issues (have for a LONG TIME). I have posted a couple of topics, but have had no success. Here is our routine:
7am. wake and BF
8am. soilds
9am - 11am. nap (sometimes this is only a 30 - 45min nap)
11am. wake and BF
12pm. solids
130pm. - 200pm nap (almost always a 30 minute nap)
200pm wake and BF
430pm - 450 or 500pm (only 20 - 30 minute nap)
500pm solids
730pm bedtime. (wake 3 or 4 times and need resettling - usually sh/pat - before sleep through the night - sometimes they get so worked up that we have to pick them up but I think that might be because of teething?)
we still Aussie swaddle because I need their arms out of the way so I can pat their chests at the same time (one of me, two of them!)
Our wind down is swaddles, go into room, darken room, sing a lullabye (3 minutes), lay down (repeat with other girl). We've been doing this for months and months.
Issue #1) obviously the afternoon nap isn't going well - 30 minutes isn't even a complete sleep cycle.
Issue #2) they don't go to sleep well on their own - they almost ALWAYS make a huge fuss during wind down. After the 2nd lullabye they know we are going to lay them down and they start crying at which time we do sh/pat until they are asleep...we've been doing this for 2 to 3 MONTHS!
Issue #4) they wake 3 or 4 times before settling for the night.
Sometimes when they are asleep they SCREAM out of nowhere and won't quit crying. It's not a pain cry, a tired cry, a fussy cry - it's a blood curdling scream...can't figure what that's about.
If I try keeping them awake longer to extend A time, they fall asleep before I'm done the 2nd lullabye - and I feel that's wrong because then they're definitely not learning independant sleep.
I've tried sh/pat and W2S to extend their afternoon nap and it doesn't work for us.
I read somewhere that 30 minute naps were a sign of OT - but for 8 month olds (do we still adjust their age at this point...7 months adjusted) isn't 2 to 2.5hrs of A time ok?
? what the heck?
I AM SO TIRED OF SLEEP ISSUES! please please help me sort this out!
They've been teething off and on for the last 2 months.