My LO is now 7 weeks old, and is still very sleepy on feeds (normally falls asleep within a few minutes of sucking!)
This is not absolutely every feed, but most of them. He was diagnosed with prolonged jaundice a couple of weeks ago, which seems to have almost completely gone. At the time we were told to feed approx 3 hourly in the day and not to wake at night.
He now seems to only wake once in the night, and seems very content, but I am still concerned that he is still so sleepy on feeds.
Will he suddendly "wake up" and become an alert feeder or may he always be like this? The trouble is, it takes a long time to feed him (up to an hour), as I keep taking him off, and re-trying a few minutes later. I'm never sure if I am "force-feeding" him, or if he has had enough much sooner than I think? Consequently I never know if he has taken enough! (although his weight gain was good at last weeks weigh in!)
He is also very windy, and sometimes very difficult to burp, so I have just bought some infacol to see if this will help?!
Just wanted to see how long others had sleepy feeders for really?
Thanks in advance - this is such a great support site!
Gabe and Theo's mum