My lo is 20 weeks next week and at this time he is taking 5 bottles(including DF) every 4 hrs...we just started doing that last week and he is fine with it. He is a very good eater so he takes 8oz in the 1st feed and in the DF and 7.5 in the others. He will go to bed around 7:30 - 8pm and we will give him the DF between 10:30-11 most of the time he is asleep...sometimes it happenned that he will wake before for any reason.
Today I had a chat with my HV about the feeds as my baby is gaining weight really well and when I mentioned the DF she said that is not good as I am kind of forcing my baby to drink while asleep and with the time he will become acostume to wake up always at the same time, in other words it would become a prop with the time...so she told me to drop the DF completely and maybe increase the other bottles a oz each but that's all.
My husband and I are very happy with DF and the hours that my baby sleeps...he will wake up between 6.30-7am...and we are worry that 11 hrs without a feed it woudl be too much for him. We were planning to drop the Df when the solids are establish.
I read a lot of post and none of them mentioned that DF became a prop...can this really happen? Has anyone experienced both cases, dropping the Df at this age or Df becoming a prop?
I will appreciate advice about it; I know that mums know the best for their babies, but is nice to hear some advice...1st time mum!!
Thanks in advance.