Author Topic: MORE bedtimes now what do i do??  (Read 586 times)

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Offline kirsty_167

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MORE bedtimes now what do i do??
« on: July 15, 2008, 10:53:00 am »

I am yet again facing yet more drams at bedtime with my son. A few weeks back he started fussing and having terribly toubles with nearly everyhting. The it settled down BUT now bedtimes have started up again!  ::)

I have been going through and reading stories for longer, spending more quiet time with him to help reassure JAkob but no matter how long i read for this week,come time to leave and he starts with the excuses for trying to get me to  I need a drink, I need a wee, I need a tissue, shake my hand, kiss me ,hug me oh the list goes on!!! I try to reassure him and settle him, then leave, Immediately he is screaming and crying and gets so wound up its awful on the ears and the heart :-[ Tonight it took 45 mins,and many deep breathes, AFTER stories to finally get him to stay in bed and go to sleep. ???

We have had lots of issues that lead to the unsettledness in the past few weeks but this week the only thing i i can think of that may contribute is Toilet Training. this is the only new thing for him.(Although he is proud to wear undies) MAybe he is feeling a little insecure even when he is so proud to wear undies???

WHat do i do, i cant just leave him screaming he gets to the point he is hyperventilating and gets his croupy cough,sometimes he even makes himself sick he is so upset  :'(  I need a break from this I havent had an easy bedtime for YONKS

Thanks for listening

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Re: MORE bedtimes now what do i do??
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2008, 11:56:49 am »
I remember going through something like this with Josie when she was about that age.

One day when she woke up, I started mentioning that bedtimes were getting too long and involved and that THAT night we were going to do X stories, then her massage, then a hug, and then nighty-night. I mentioned it a couple more times during the day, not to wind her up about it but just to remind her

About an hour before bedtime we went through the routine again, and that night it was WAAAY better.

A lot of physical activity during the day helped, too, wore her out something wonderful! :)

Offline kirsty_167

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Re: MORE bedtimes now what do i do??
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2008, 07:43:38 am »
another bad bedtime is happening now...i really am at the end of  my tether. I just cant bear this. His screams are so loud and he is driving me nuts. I have to sit here because Im am not coping. I just went back in and put him in ned and said nothing this time...I cant. :'(

I tried talking to him today a few times and prepping him that tonight he would show me the big boy he is and after 4 stories say goodnight..............yeah right.WE started....I want a drink,a tissue all over again ::) Then i leave after plenty of reassurance..........all hell breaks loose. Oh and Great DP is asleep on the couch :-\

Please help me........I cant even begin to express how at the end of it I am. Right now i just want to get in my car and drive away. :'( :'( IM sad because all i ever seem to have are issues with Jakob.


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Re: MORE bedtimes now what do i do??
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2008, 08:19:56 am »
Kirsty, how old is Jacob? Does he have a daytime nap? What time are you putting him down for bed? Is he in a big bed. Sorry for all the questions...

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Offline kirsty_167

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Re: MORE bedtimes now what do i do??
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2008, 00:18:01 am »
HI Jakob turns 3 on the 2nd of August. He doesnt nap on the weekends. His caregiver in the week says he naps but only40 mins max.(in room from 1-2pm) He goes for stories at 7pm and I  read for about 20 mins or so. Of course times vary depending on sleep he has/hasnt had.He is defintely ready by 7pm for bed.
