While never is an overstatement, I know that my 6 week old son is getting much less than the typical 16-20 hours of sleep a newborn gets and needs. I'm trying to decide whether this is just the way he's going to be or if there's something triggering his sleep issues. Here is a typical day :
Awake around 4-5am: Eats 5oz- fusses through entire bottle, diaper change, swaddle, squirm, doze off, think he's asleep (heavy breathing, limp limbs and body, etc), set him in bassinet, awake 20 minutes later.. and this continues until his next feeding 3 hours from when he first started eating.
Rinse and repeat! J/K, but this continues ALL DAY, with maybe ONE stretch of sleep that is an hour or longer. I've tried a bouncy seat, swing, my chest, our bed and all yield the same results. Even the YMCA child daycare today noted how unusual his sleeping patterns were, and they see a lot of newborns asleep in there, ya know?
Now, we've been to the ped. to discuss possible reflux. Not Acid reflux b/c he doesn't spit up, but silent reflux, since he's extremely fussy at the bottle, often crying through the whole meal. He wanted me to try a few things before doing a GI test and any medication. Could that be his sleeping problem? Or is this separate?
Other side notes that may have nothing to do with anything, but we've tried the Mylicon gas drops and gripe water, rice cereal in bottle, keeping him upright, and he is fed breastmilk.
Needless to say I'm getting a little worn out, and we have a 2 year old DS adding into the mix as well. My poor little guy is getting no sleep, neither are his parents and it is getting extremely frustrating. Any thoughts? Thank you