My LO is now 11.5 months old and lately, he does not want to drink his milk. He is able to drink from a cup and has been a really good drinker. He used to drink all that I give him and fast but now, he'll drink half of it and then pushes it away. I end up having to play with him and cajole him into drink the rest. If I am lucky, he will drink it all but half the time, he'll leave a little bit. I have also tried cutting the amount he drinks since I know at 12 months, you need a minimum of 12oz. I am getting tired of having to trick him into drinking so any advise would help. Here is the typical amount of milk he drinks:
breakfast: 8oz formula (he'll drink about half and doesn't want anymore)
PM snack: 4 oz formula
bedtime 6-8oz? (I am weaning off the breastfeeding at this point so I am not sure how much he drinks exactly)
I try to incorporate some other dairy into his food like yogurt & cheese and sometimes, milk with his food.