The afternoon nap boycott continues...I am at a complete loss as to what to do except sit here and cry as I listen to her up in her crib screaming.
I have tried moving her bedtime earlier as suggested in HSHHC - we have been putting her to bed before 7pm for at least a week now and guess what? She just wakes up earlier! She was getting up around 7, now she gets up at about 5:30am which means she DEFINITELY needs a morning nap no later than 9:30am, so forget trying to move the morning nap later on into the morning to make it a midday nap.
I have tried going out and doing something fun (we went to storyhour at the library) so that I could attempt to move that morning nap later. I fed her an early lunch and put her down around 11am and she slept until about 12:30pm - then I was really screwed because she refused to sleep the rest of the day, but had hardly any sleep at all during the day.
I have tried moving the afternoon nap later/earlier - no difference.
I have tried making the morning nap super short - today I let her sleep exactly an hour before I woke her up - no difference.
I have tried soothing, patting, rocking her to sleep - nothing.
I am seriously at my wits end - and the worst part is that this has been going on for over a month and I feel like I have read every book, done all of the research I could on the internet, tried all of the "experts" advice and still have a child who is refusing to sleep. What is the next step?
? HELP!!!!!!