Not sure if anyone has been following my sleep saga but my 19 month old has now decided to make a huge leap in A times. Prior to this, sleep was seriously wonky due to cutting teeth. We battled OT for 2 months straight with very short naps, looooong NWs and generally a cranky baby.
Now that he is caught up, I have noticed it is taking forever for him to fall asleep for nights and naps. I recently moved his Am A time to 5.5 but after taking a 2 hours nap he just doesn't seem tired at his normal bedtime and is falling asleep later and sleeping in later. Do I just go with it? Here was what we were doing:
6:45 wake
nap 12-2
bedtime 7:30
Now he is doing:
7am wake
nap 12:30-2:30
7:45 asleep
Should I just bite the bullet and go with an 8pm bedtime since that is when he is falling asleep or is he OT? He has had short NWs the last few nights, I think due to SA, almost like he needs to check to make sure I am still there and he goes right back in 5 mins. There has been some SA during the day at the CMs too as he has been calling for me all day long. So I assume he is not OT. Could he just need a wee bit less sleep now that he is caught up?