Author Topic: Introducing new foods/how much to feed?  (Read 717 times)

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Offline kellyanne

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Introducing new foods/how much to feed?
« on: September 03, 2008, 17:44:42 pm »
Hi everyone,

I've been pretty much going with the flow on this but I thought I'd ask around for other ideas.

My LO loves food.  I started him on rice cereal about two weeks ago and tried sweet potatoes this morning.  He loves it. 
1)  How much do I feed him?  Should I keep going until he doesn't open his mouth anymore?  A couple times he finished his 2T of cereal and was quite upset when we were "all done."  So now I go until he doesn't want anymore, usually between 3 and 4T (rice cereal/food only - not including water amounts) - is this too much?  He still eats lots of BM - we're talking 3-4 feeds a night (grrrrr) and 4 during the day.  I know I'm not supposed to but I'm hoping eventually this extra food will fill his tummy up so he stops eating so much at night...

2) How quickly should I introduce new foods?  I bought a whole bunch of different fruits and veggies to try but I'm not sure if I should do one per day or one per week (that seems slow) or two per day...

3) Does everything have to be cooked?  I bought peaches and pears and bananas - could I just mash these up and store in the fridge/freezer or should I cook them first?  How about veggies?  I'd cook potatoes/squash obviously, but I prefer raw peas/beans/asparagus/carrots versus cooked.  Don't we lose a bunch of the nutrition out of veggies/fruit when we boil them to death?

Thanks for any advice - I did do a quick lookie-loo on the FAQ and recent posts but couldn't really find these answers.

Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: Introducing new foods/how much to feed?
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2008, 19:07:20 pm »
hi kelly,

i think the biggest thing is that he is still drinking a minimum of milk each day, and that you are pretty sure he is not "snacking" at his breast feeds but actually emptying your breasts and taking full feeds. if you can say yes to both of those then i would say enjoy his lust for eating and have fun with it.

one thing though, how old is your lo? until he's 1yo, he really has to get most of his calories from milk. right now is more to get him used to the tastes, textures, etc. so as you introduce more meals and increase his portions, just keep a good eye on this and make sure he's getting all the good stuff from his milk that he needs.

as far as introducing new foods, i went by the one every other day rule of thumb. i think if you are concerned about allergies and/or have a history in your family then you can wait a week.

and for your last question on cooking foods, i don't know what the 'official' answer is. but i don't think i ever cooked a fruit for ds. i didn't freeze them either, just pureed them fresh on the day which takes almost as little time as defrosting. just peel them/de-seed them.

veggies are good to cook a big batch in advance, puree, and freeze in little ice cube trays. for a young baby 2 cubes a meal is usually good (unless he is screaming for more ;)). however, i would not boil them to death as you said, but rather just steam them. that keeps a great deal of their nutrients, and you can use a little of the steaming water for pureeing (not for carrots, btw).  i think that raw veggies will be very difficult for a lo to digest. by the time he is really relying on the vitamins in those foods for his nutrition, you will be able to give him more raw veggies anyway.

hope this helps. my ds was a really big eater too (still is)!  sounds like you are really going to enjoy the eating experience with your lo... :) x
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)

Offline kellyanne

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Re: Introducing new foods/how much to feed?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 16:44:17 pm »
Thanks so much for the advice!  I've been waiting about 2-3 days for introducing new foods and things seem to be going well.  How come you can't use the steaming water for pureeing carrots?  I peeled them, coined them and put them in the microwave with about a 1/2c water for about 10 minutes (until just soft when picked with a fork).  Then I used a hand blender to mince them - water included.  If this is wrong, I'll redo it without using the water!!

I think he's getting most of his nutrition from milk, although I notice he's not as hungry sometimes, depending on how much he ate beforehand.  And sometimes he's not interested in the solids either.  Just depends I guess!

Thanks again!

Offline jess, lukeys_mom

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Re: Introducing new foods/how much to feed?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 19:57:07 pm »
Well, i wouldn't throw out the puree you have already, and this may be one of those things that 1/2 the places you read say one thing and the other 1/2 say nothing.  But carrots contain particularly high levels of nitrates, which can be harmful especially for babies under 8 mo, and 'they' say using fresh water for the purees helps lessen the amount of nitrates. I always listened to that advice, figuring it doesn't hurt to be careful. HTH  :)
Mom to Luke (2007) and Dylan (2009)