Author Topic: 17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!  (Read 1032 times)

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Offline MrGreedy

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17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!
« on: September 08, 2008, 19:42:41 pm »
my dd is 17m and wakes up in a really bad mood from her daytime sleep - she always cries and sometimes continues to cry on my knee for a while - she can cry on and off for up to an hour, I usually have to get her out of the house to snap her out it...she goes down at about 1pm and wakes up anytime after about 1hr 10 mins but she can sleep for over 2 hours...I try to wake her at 3pm if she's not woken herself because she's a nightmare to go down to bed if she's asleep too late in the afternoon.  She also wakes up between 5-5.30am most days but will sometimes go back to sleep till 7am with a bottle (I realise this is a bad habit but nothing we tried worked to get her to sleep later so we used to just get up at that time, at least now she sometimes goes back to sleep)..her routine is (ish):

5.30am(ish) bottle milk
8am breakfast
10am snack
12pm dinner
1pm bottle and bed, sometimes till 3pm but usually sleeps about 1.5hrs
3.30pm snack (sometimes doesn't bother with this)
5pm tea
6.45pm bath
7.15pm supper
7.30pm bottle and bed

she sometimes cries out at about 10.30pm - we leave her but if she doesn't self settle, we go in and stroke her head or if she's hysterical, we cuddle her back to sleep but not very often

any ideas on the daytime nap?  am beginning to wonder whether to just not put her to bed as she doesn't seem that tired and isn't grumpy before she goes down but she is beastly after she gets up - sometimes she's horrid until she goes to bed for the night..but I think she may be a bit early to drop the nap...does she need less of a sleep?  my sister thinks she may go into too much of a deep sleep and this is causing her grumpiness...I can't cope with her at all after her sleep, I literally can't do anything for up to an hour after it..we just sit sometimes and watch tv, it's the only thing that doesn't make her cry...any thoughts appreciated...thanks
Mr Greedy

Offline Niki85

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Re: 17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2008, 09:19:10 am »
Im not an expert but I think she may need a little longer of a nap??
Could you maybe try extending her nap a little? Possibly bringing her bedtime forward a little too. I have found that my children sleep better during the night, if they nap well during the day as they are not over tired etc,
Sorry if this doesn't help

Offline MrGreedy

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Re: 17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2008, 12:46:17 pm »
thanks but I can't extend her nap as she is beside herself when I go in to her plus it doesn't seem to matter if she has a really long nap either, she never wakes happy even if she's had over 2 hours...she did used to have an earlier bedtime but it made her wake even earlier so we shifted her whole routine later which worked for a while...she only had 20 mins sleep all day yesterday because we were out with the pram and she wasn't nearly as grumpy as she is if she's had a longer sleep and she was no more tired than usual at bedtime...I just can't understand it, she is too young to drop the nap completely surely??  Anyone?
Mr Greedy

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Re: 17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2008, 16:42:52 pm »
I think she is OT for her nap, if she wakes at 5.30am and doesn't nap until 1pm and sleeps 1hr10 mins (classic OT nap) and wakes grumpy she needs more sleep. My DD is nearly 2 and only has a 5½ hour A time max. Do you find the days when she has gone back to sleep until 8am she has a better nap? The EWs also suggest OT. I would try putting her down at about 11/11.30 if she wakes at 5.30am and hopefully she will catch up on sleep and start waking later so you can eventually do the nap around 12/12.30. I doubt if she is ready to give her nap up, a few months ago my DD skipped a few naps and got very OT very quickly. That cry out after 3 hours is also a classic OT symptom, these can turn into NWs if you dont bank some sleep, this is a great warning for me to start shortening A times a for a while.

I hope this helps a bit, I have been in the same situation and was shocked how much more my DD could sleep and how much happier she is  :)

Offline MrGreedy

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Re: 17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2008, 18:47:12 pm »
right thanks I might try that but it will be difficult due to the fact she goes to nursery some days and also my other dd needs taking and fetching from playgroup so not sure I'll be able to let her sleep for very long which I guess won't be any good for her either...

it's so odd, today she didn't seem at all tired by 2.30pm (I waited for tired signs before putting her down for a sleep) - in the end I was worried about her not sleeping at all so I took her out in her pram and she had just 30 mins and woke up fine and has been fine ever since..much much less grumpy than when she's had more sleep...which I know is bizarre but she's much easier to handle!!  maybe she'll be a terror in a few days....who knows, thanks for the advice

Mr Greedy

Offline skatty

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Re: 17m wakes up grumpy from naps and early riser...please help!
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2008, 05:01:00 am »
Oh yes it is more difficult if you have 2 LOs. My DD never gives tired signs either and actually gets more energetic as the day goes on, when she was skipping naps and having supershort naps she seemed fine but the OT came quick and we had EWs and looong NWs  ::) When she eventually started taking longer naps she would also wake grumpy and crying which I found confusing but I find myself after having a good sleep after a patch of bad sleep it can almost make me feel hungover then I feel better again. I hope it works out for you soon  :)